Mystical Philosophy: Book = Our Feeling Universe: An exploration of the Universal Feeling Body

Mystical Environmental Philosophy: Book = Mystical Environmental Philosophy: How to Save Life on Earth

New Book: September 2024:

Our Feeling Universe: An exploration of the Universal Feeling Body

A radical reconceptualisation of the nature of the Universe, what it means to have a mind, and the nature of the relationship between a perceiving entity and the world that it inhabits.

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ISBN: 9781907962721


'The Universe as a whole is not a living entity, and it is not pervaded with consciousness or psyche/mind. Yet, the Universe is not a mechanism that is constituted out of 'matter'. The entire Universe is pervaded with, and is fundamentally constituted by, feeling. You are a speck of thought/awareness, and the Universe is your feeling body.'

'What it is to be a feeling is to feel, and a feeling doesn't feel itself, it feels that which is not itself, and thereby becomes itself.'

'There is a general rule: every feeling in the Universal Feeling Body is increasingly affected by, and determined by, that which it is increasingly associated with.'

'A speck of thought/awareness is a 'qualityless window' through which the feelings of the Universal Feeling Body appear, and through which the moulded Universe of boundaries and distinct objects is both created and viewed.'

'What usually gives rise to the conception that a speck of thought/awareness has an animal body is that this body stays a constant travelling companion through a changing kaleidoscope of background scenes.'

'Whether a particular segment of the Universe appears to be moving, and how it appears to be moving, or whether it appears to be not moving, is dependent on the structured nature of a particular visual sensing. There is no other way of making sense of the apparent non-movement of that which is moving.'

'When one beholds the Universal Feeling Body as a whole one will be aware that certain bits of it stand out, protrude, as if they were torches illuminating a vast sea of darkness.'

'A body within the body. A human head, torso, arms, and legs, moving through the Universal Feeling Body in a similar way to the way that blood moves/flows through a human body. A continuous movement. A continuous flow. Yet, a process that has no boundaries.'

'The bringing into being of the first speck of thought/awareness is followed by the movement towards increasingly complex specks of thought/awareness. This is really the movement towards increasingly complex thought. For, awareness cannot get more complex - it simply either exists or it does not exist. It is not a phenomenon that can vary in complexity! So, to talk of specks of thought/awareness getting more complex, is to say that awareness is participating in increasingly complex thought.'

'When two feelings feel each other in the Universal Feeling Body, then in terms of human labels/concepts this interaction might be described as a 'melodious/spicy/aching/musty' feeling.'

'When one fully appreciates that what one visually perceives is created by one, then what one visually perceives becomes almost magical to one. One realises that what one visually perceives is fundamentally part of one. Without one, what one visually perceives would not exist. One is bringing this magical beauty into existence.'

'Do you find it strange that that which feels brings into existence an entity that does not feel? Do you find it strange that that which does not feel - a speck of thought/awareness - can make decisions which lead to changes in its Universal Feeling Body?'

'Without a speck of thought/awareness, there is no physicist. Without a speck of thought/awareness, without free will, there is no observed Universe of parts to be investigated by the physicist. The science of physics necessarily entails the existence of free will. That is to say, a speck of thought/awareness provides the possibility for physics to emerge in the observed Universe of parts that is created by a speck of thought/awareness.’


# Pondering the nature of the Universe 1

# Three false views 1

# A fresh start 2

# A speck of thought/awareness in a feeling Universe 2

# The mind-body problem and the concept of ‘mind’ 3

# I am a speck of thought/awareness, therefore I am 3

# The currant bun 4

# Thought/awareness is a singular entity 4

# Computation 5

# Awareness cannot exist without thought 5

# What we think, we become 6

# We are what we feel 6

# What we feel, we become 7

# The origin of thought in feeling 7

# Specks of thought/awareness emerge in animal brains 7

# The observed Universe 8

# The Universal Feeling Body, the unobserved Universe, the observed Universe, and the Universe 8

# The chasm in the Universal Feeling Body and the segregation of the animal body 10

# The two bodies of a speck of thought/awareness 10

# What is a feeling? 11

# What is a node of feeling? 11

# The rule of association/embeddedness 11

# What is a thing? 12

# What is a part? 16

# The nature of feeling radiation 17

# Changing bonds = new things 19

# Three levels of feeling and the two mini-chasms 20

# The two mini-chasms and the three modes of the Universe 20

# High intensity feeling 21

# Feeling origination in a tree 21

# The origination and radiation of feelings 22

# Nodes of feeling, the three levels of feeling, and the three modes of the Universe 22

# Nodes of feeling and degree of embeddedness intertwine to determine the feeling intensity in a thing 23

# A speck of thought/awareness is a ‘qualityless window’ 24

# A speck of thought/awareness’s embeddedness with its animal body 26

# A speck of thought/awareness’s embeddedness with its Universal Feeling Body – the awareness of feelings in the animal body that originate outside of the animal body 26

# A speck of thought/awareness’s embeddedness with its Universal Feeling Body – the direct awareness of feelings that exist outside of the animal body 28

# Spectacles, toes, and a rabbit 29

# Why does a speck of thought/awareness become aware of a feeling? 30

# Universal feeling unfoldment and the non-awareness of the feelings that are one’s home 31

# The Cornish pasty and the mattress – the forging and unforging of things within the Universal Feeling Body 32

# The Cornish pasty, the parrot, and the mattress – the feelings that a speck of thought/awareness becomes aware of 34

# Universal unfolding to increasingly intense feelings 37

# Feelings are movements 39

# The appearance of movement and non-movement 39

# The movement pattern of life 40

# The continuous two-way causation between feelings and movements 41

# The direct and indirect movements of a speck of thought/awareness 41

# The evolution of the visual sense to meet the needs of animals 42

# Esse est percipi and the Universal Moving Body 43

# Visual sensing and the creation of conceptual mouldings 45

# Visual sensing on an alien planet 46

# Perception without awareness 48

# The two types of embeddedness, and the question: Where is the location of origination of a feeling? 49

# The misery of the pet shop 50

# The 3am awakening and the misattribution of feeling 51

# Nodes of feeling and things are saturated with memories 52

# The storage of feeling memories and the creation of ‘shining beacons’ 53

# Shining beacons of feeling 54

# No feeling is an island; networks of feelings 55

# The concepts of the observed Universe and the baby in the womb 56

# High intensity feelings enliven and amplify each other 57

# Feeling memory/recognition/familiarity 57

# Changing bonds of embeddedness and feeling amplification 58

# Two associated nodes have a single bond; two associated parts have an immense plethora of bonds 59

# The plethora of gradations of feeling associations 60

# A body within the body 61

# Moulded parts are collections of feeling nodes and are components of things 61

# The leaching of feelings from animal bodies 62

# The differential visual sensing and conceptual moulding of nodes and modes 63

# Movement patterns in the observed Universe versus the unobservable ‘one giant movement pattern’ 64

# The ‘two-headed kangaroo’ 65

# Is it a kangaroo, a flock of birds, or the Solar System? 67

# Medium-grained sensing 71

# The Stages of Universal Unfoldment 72

# The disgusting conception 73

# The Stages of Universal Unfoldment – the two standpoints 73

# Awareness participates in increasingly complex thought 74

# The purpose of specks of thought/awareness within the Stages of Universal Unfoldment 74

# The mapping of human conceptual divisions onto the Universal Feeling Body 76

# The mapping of the conceptual divisions of non-human animals 78

# Experiencing the Universal Feeling Body 79

# Two groups of feeling – attraction and repulsion – provide the pathway that is Universal Unfoldment 80

# A part is not a thing 81

# Feelings of repulsion 82

# Feelings of attraction 83

# Feelings of attraction and repulsion are specific to particular parts 84

# The movements of the Universal Feeling Body – the currantless bun 85

# The movements of the Universal Feeling Body – specks of thought/awareness 85

# The movements of the Universal Feeling Body – the steering of the animal body 87

# The movements of the Universal Feeling Body – conclusion 87

# The purpose of human existence 88

# The flourishing of individual human bodies 88

# The actualisation of potentials throughout the Universe 89

# The dynamic interplay between feelings, specks of thought/awareness, and abilities/skills/aptitudes 90

# Autopilot 91

# Feelings guide actions 92

# The diverse range of expressions of the Universal Feeling Body 92

# The feeling state of the Solar-Systic whole 93

# The ingestion and digestion of feelings 95

# Pain and suffering – the poisoned chalice of the gift that is thought/awareness 96

# An exploration of pain and suffering in the Universe 97

# Suffering from negative thought spirals 98

# The lawnmower and the distinctive types of movement in the Universal Feeling Body 99

# The storage of thought 100

# Feelings of pain versus being ‘in pain’ 100

# Ingesting animals versus ingesting plants 101

# Fruits/vegetables/nuts/fungi – waning feeling intensity and waning feeling purity 103

# Meat – waning feeling intensity and increasing feeling purity 104

# Ingestion and digestion – two conclusions 104

# Dairy and eggs 104

# Sites of deeply embedded feeling versus sites of scattered feeling 105

# An exploration of various phenomena 107

# Fire, earthquakes, hurricanes, bulldozers and nuclear bombs 107

# Planets 108

# Water 108

# Phantom limbs 109

# Solar radiation 110

# Radio waves and cables 111

# The feeling evolution of human culture 111

# The globalised world of today 111

# The interactions of feelings 112

# The enlivening boost in feeling 112

# Walking on feelings 114

# Jumping on grass 115

# The return of the spectacles, the toes, and the rabbit 116

# The feeling associations of a tree 117

# Human concepts are collections of nodes of a particular level of feeling; and, these concepts might, or might not, correspond to a concrete difference in the Universal Feeling Body 118

# The feeling associations of the Universal Feeling Body 120

# Becoming overwhelmed by feeling – density and quality of feeling 121

# Becoming overwhelmed by feeling – levels of feeling 122

# Becoming overwhelmed by thought – negative thought spirals 123

# Becoming overwhelmed – conclusion: there are no islands 123

# The senses of the human body 124

# Tastes = smells = sounds = bodily sensations = touches = feelings 124

# A melodious/spicy/aching/musty feeling 125

# Music 126

# The feeling of speech is divorced from its linguistic content 126

# The auditory sense – the awareness of the feelings of one’s Universal Feeling Body 127

# The sense of smell – the awareness of the feelings of one’s Universal Feeling Body 128

# The sense of taste – the awareness of the feelings of one’s Universal Feeling Body 129

# The sense of touch – the awareness of the feelings of one’s Universal Feeling Body 129

# Bodily sensations – the awareness of the feelings of one’s human body 130

# The labelling of feelings 130

# The visual sense – visual perception is visual sensing and conceptual moulding 131

# The moulded Universe versus the unmoulded Universe 132

# The awareness of sounds=feelings 133

# The synthesis of the moulding of parts in visual perception and the categorisation of feeling in auditory sensing 134

# Mouldings of the Universal Feeling Body versus awareness of the Universal Feeling Body 134

# The currantless bun versus an unobservable division 135

# Science 136

# Physics and chemistry 136

# Ethics 136

# Movement patterns, feelings, and abilities/skills/aptitudes 137

# Personal identity 138

# Beauty 139

# Recap 140

# The world of pure feeling 141

# The sliding scale of embeddedness of a speck of thought/awareness 143

# A brighter flowing torch within a dimmer flowing torch 146

# Are there things as large as our Solar System? 148

# Is the Universe one thing? In other words, is the Universe the dimmer torch? 149

# The storage of visual perceptions, auditory sensings, and auditory outputs 150

# Animal actions – thoughts versus feelings 152

# Feelings determine thoughts 152

# The causes of thought 153

# Thoughts do not determine feelings 153

# The causes of actions/movements 154

# Movements/actions determine feelings – the Moon and the lunatic 155

# Feeling is the fundamental force: Why does any entity move? 155

# The causes of one’s thoughts 156

# Feelings are ‘king’ 157

# The existence and nature of ‘free will’ 158

# The human auditory sense and the feelings of the chalkboard 159

# Where are the feelings that are auditorily sensed located? 160

# “You are in trouble” 161

# The meaning of uttered words is to be found in their feeling content 161

# Visual perceptions are conceptual mouldings of structured sensings 162

# Apparent non-movement is due to the structure of a visual sensing 162

# The animal body is bathed in light waves 163

# Partial glimpses 164

# The ostracization of the human body from the Universal Feeling Body 165

# The two routes to the existence of feelings within an animal body, and reaching outside of the animal body 165

# The subset of feelings in a speck of thought/awareness’s Universal Feeling Body 166

# Body A, Speck A, Body B, Feeling B 167

# Simultaneous simplicity and complexity 168

# Rapidly changing torrents of feeling 169

# The human body is a beacon of feeling 170

# The Universal Feeling Body is not changed through the act of observation 171

# Quantum mechanics 171

# The elimination of fuzziness and the simultaneous existence of multiple observed Universes 173

# Specks of thought/awareness are not fuzzy 179

# Colours are uninteresting 179

# Distinctive movements within a continuously moving whole 180

# Technological movements and the search for human-like aliens 181

# The intermediary – the giant borderless movement pattern 182

# The motionless observed Universe 183

# The origination of concepts in movement patterns 185

# Differential visual sensings of the perpetually moving blank canvas 187

# “I observe a helicopter” 188

# The three levels of feeling and the glorious zenith 189

# The kangaroo, the pogo stick, and the Chusan palm tree 190

# The movement of feeling versus the radiation of feeling 191

# Usain Bolt and the couch potato 192

# The falling tree and the primacy of ‘secondary qualities’ 192

# The primacy of feeling over thought 193

# Non-human animals 194

# The primacy of feeling over speech: the ‘creepy’ human 195

# The disjunct between thought and speech 196

# Reality is described by feelings, not by thoughts/words 196

# Tiny barges 196

# The primacy of feeling in spoken words: the broken human, ‘I am going to come and get you’, and undecipherable gobbledegook 197

# Feeling and body language 198

# The aspects of the Universal Feeling Body, and the categorisation of parts 199

# Appreciating one’s Universal Feeling Body 201

# The magical beauty of visual perception 203

# Dwelling in one’s experiences 203

# I have a beautiful body 204

# Creating the future 205

# Envisioning your Universal Feeling Body and exploring your human body 205

# The concept of mind 206

# I am a speck of thought/awareness, therefore I am 208

# Two types of entities – specks and feelings 208

# That which feels emerges that which does not feel 209

# The ‘brain activity’ movement pattern and the ‘speck of thought/awareness’ movement pattern 209

# Why a speck of thought/awareness has an intermittent existence 211

# General anaesthetics and sleep 211

# What is the movement pattern that generates a speck of thought/awareness? 212

# What is instant radiation throughout a thing? 212

# What is an observation? 213

# Implications for physics 214

# Physics necessarily entails free will 216

# The exceptionally important gift 216

# Mystical environmental philosophy 216

# Human purpose and the universal pursuit of ecstasy 218

# Further information 218