Human Suffering

“The airplane crashes. Hundreds of people die. Suffering. Death. Mourning. Misery for friends and family.

The school bus gets ploughed into by a lorry. All the children die. Suffering. Death. Mourning. Misery for friends and family.

A machine gun massacre. The nuclear bomb explodes. The roller coaster comes off its rails. The bungee jump cord snaps. The explosive device detonates. The car ploughs into the pedestrians. The air of the city is full of fumes and smog created by technological society; the people who breathe the air become immensely sick.

The masses flock to live in concrete jungles and spend their time immersed in concrete and engulfed in technology; they spend most of their time staring at the screens of technological devices. Is this good for their health? Of course it isn’t! They need forests, flowers, fresh air and the sea; yet, the masses flock to the concrete jungles and stare at the screens of technological devices! Such a lifestyle brings them immense mental ill-health and physical ill-health. Many cannot take it anymore; they throw themselves off the tall buildings humans have built; they shoot themselves with the guns humans have created; they shoot others with the guns humans have created; they cut their wrists with sharp knives and razor blades; they drink alcohol until they get into a state of oblivion.

The masses eat highly processed, chemical-filled foods which have been produced by mass agriculture, and which have been deeply degraded by being zapped in microwave ovens and decimated in deep fat fryers. The masses eat animals, which their bodies were not designed to eat. The masses make themselves terribly ill through all of this. Why don’t they eat fresh, organic, healthy food – fruits, vegetables and grains? Why do they eat degraded food that degrades their mental and physical health?

Why do humans live like this? Why do humans do all of this to themselves? If humans had a simple life; for example, if they transported themselves under their own steam, like other animals, using their own two feet, there would be no carnage. Currently over a million humans a year are killed in road accidents; slaughtered by motor vehicles on roads. The precious children who were in the bus that was ploughed into by the lorry would still be alive if humans transported themselves by foot!

It is not human nature to transport itself by foot. It is not human nature to live a simple technology-free life. The human is not just another animal. The human species is the master modifier of its planet, and solar system; it has no option but to act in accordance with its nature and to master modify. Transform! Modify! Create! Analyse! Investigate! Utilise! Modify some more! Invent! Invent better and faster! Modify more and more and more!!!

In the atrocious epoch that is the technological explosion the human species is bringing forth increasingly complex technologies, for the benefit of life on Earth, so that it can fulfil its cosmic purpose, but in so doing it suffers tremendously. The human species is currently in the stage of Solar-Systic unfoldment where it is unleashing technology, but it has yet to master the technologies that it is bringing forth. The technologies are running amok; consequently, humans are suffering and dying in their hordes. Millions upon millions of humans are being slaughtered due to the technologies that humans have brought into being!

Such is the atrocious epoch that is the age of the technological explosion. It is the extreme magnitude of the technology-induced misery, suffering and death, both for the human species, and for the rest of life on Earth, that makes this epoch so atrocious.

The future will be better. The human species will eventually both master its technologies and master itself so that it doesn’t abuse the technologies that it has brought forth. The suffering of the human species will eventually be brought down to a bearable level as our Solar System continues to unfold and we move out of the atrocious epoch that is the age of the technological explosion.”

 Dr C Mystical Environmental Philosophy: How to Save Life on Earth Oct 2021 pp. 30-31